Dec 30, 2008

Google Gym Open Day - Friday 9th January 2009

Hi Everyone,

To mark the season of New Year Resolutions we are holding a Gym Open Day on January Friday 9th. The Open Day will be especially suitable for those Googlers who are new to exercise and for those who are lapsed gym users. The open day is meant to encourage new gym users to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.

Timetable of Event’s

8.00am – Introduction to Group Exercise (30 mins)
• Group Fitness Studio
• Demonstration of all classes on Group Exercise Timetable

8.45am - Introduction to Resistance Training
• Gym Floor
• Activity based workshop on Resistance Training

9.30am – 12.00pm Gym Tours (15 mins)

12.15pm – Introduction to Group Exercise – New users only (30 mins)
• Group Fitness Studio
• Demonstration of all classes on Group Exercise Timetable

1.00pm – "Eat more, weigh less" Seminar (30-45 mins)
• Gym Floor
• Numbers limited to 20
• Activity based workshop on back care.

2pm - 4pm – Gym Tours (15 mins)

5pm - "New Year Health Challenge" Seminar (30-45 mins)
- Gym Floor
- Numbers limited to 20
- Explanation on new health challenge program

6.15pm- Introduction to Group Exercise – (30 mins)
• Group Fitness Studio
• Demonstration of all classes on Group Exercise Timetable

7.00pm – Introduction to Resistance Training
• Gym Floor
• Activity based workshop on Resistance Training

The Gym Team is looking forward to seeing lots of new faces over the course of the Open Day.

Yours in Fitness,

The Google Gym Team.

Dec 11, 2008

What constitutes a successful approach to reaching your health and fitness goals?

In essence treating each and every person as an individual is crucial if you want to reach your health and fitness goals.

What motivates one will demotivate the other. Think of the gender and age differences, level of athletic ability, starting points for the programme. These all have to be taken into consideration.

However, there are several key principles that must be adhered to if you want success with any health and fitness programme.

1. Tailor Your Goals and Establish a Time Frame – at Sphere Fitness this is established from the beginning and displayed in 12 week time frames. Each 12 week block is split into defined training phases. This allows us to keep momentum with your progress by allowing consistent and never-ending improvement.

2. A successful approach will have regular and on-going assessments throughout. This allows the trainer and the client to review progress, aid with compliance and identify quickly any issues that may be arising from nutrition, lifestyle and training. Ideally weekly and at a minimum, monthly.

3. A successful approach will have a tailored exercise programme geared to the client’s goals. This is reviewed and changed every 3-4 weeks.

4. A successful approach will have the client work through the programme with 90% compliance i.e. not skipping sessions, training with purpose rather than ‘going through the motions’.

5. A successful approach will recognised that as a trainee you are learning how to train rather than become baby-sat throughout the session. This will then stay with you for the long haul.

6. A successful approach will provide a habit based approach to nutrition centred around 10 habits. These are worked on 1 at a time by the client in a progressive manner. 90% adherence to the plan is required for it to succeed in the long run. There are tools to measure this rate of progress. You will be asked to keep a food diary and a compliance chart score.

7. A successful approach will use supplements that are geared to the client’s goals and assessment. Why? Because they work.

8. A successful approach will recognise the need for balance in one’s life and address this with tools that give calm and inner balance. Stress management is crucial to the success of all health and fitness programmes. Sphere have a range of tools that we offer the client in this area.

Hopefully this gives the client an idea of what is expected in bringing success to the programme. This is project you! With that draws individual components that rely strongly on one another. If your training is excellent but your nutrition and supplement compliance is poor you will struggle. Likewise if you are a stressed bunny 24-7, results will be hard to achieve.