Oct 28, 2008

Our Obsession with Scales

It is around this time of year that ‘weight loss’ becomes the new talking point for most men and women.

The last excuse has disappeared with the kids back to school and there is a nice run into Xmas.

But it is also this time of year that frustration begins to creep in and Seasonal Mood Adjustments mean that ‘beating yourself up’ becomes the norm if the scales begin to creep.

Let’s set the record straight. I do like scales. Do I weigh myself? Yes, once a week. What does it tell me? Not much.

As a quick and easy indicator, the scales are great. I suggest you pick a number you are happy with, say 4lbs, and if the scales creep up 4lbs you know that it is time to pull back and take action rather than wait until the dial looks more like 14.

But let’s not get carried away here. I am aware that most ladies freak out at the sight of the scales shifting in the wrong direction.

So if you do weigh yourself make sure it is a) first thing in the morning b) done naked or as close as possible c) urinate before you weigh yourself

What do the scales tell us? Ultimately they tell us our weight. But weight of what? We are made up of muscle, fat, water, a connective frame that includes bone, tendons ligaments etc etc.

Your hydration levels, glycogen stores (your muscle’s sugar stores), sodium levels, constipation, menstrual cycle and de-hydration (this forces the body to retain water) will all negatively influence the reading.

It is disheartening to see so many of us become hung up on our weight and what the scales say. Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. Imagine hopping on the scales after a gym session and seeing you lost 2lbs. Great. Later on in the day, the scales creep back up 2lbs. Disappointment sets in. You may even think about quitting.

Lean bodies with good levels of health determined by blood tests will possess 10% of their body weight as fat in males and between 14-18% in females. Visible muscle definition will be evident.

I know plenty of women who carry very little weight but are well outside this range. The ‘skinny fat’ as I call them are seen walking around with their breakfast of skinny latte and a slice of toast before not eating anything until dinner time. By that time, their bodies have cannibalised its own protein source (its muscles) to fuel their bodies.

If you find yourself in this category try to start eating small regular amounts of food throughout the day that include protein, veggies and some healthy fats. Your metabolism will thank you for it.

Try and embrace how much body fat you are carrying over what the scales tell you. A skilled exercise physiologist will be able to measure your body fat levels. Embrace the challenge of burning fat and perform activities that preserve lean muscle mass whilst burning fat such as weight training.

A good measure of your success and progress is your own self-perception, people complimenting you and how your clothes fit.

Is it as easy as drinking your food? No. Is it as easy as relying solely on the scales? No. Keep focused on your body fat levels. Have them accurately taken and then set about meeting the challenge.

We have a good run into Xmas now. Where can you see yourself 8-10 weeks from now? In this time there could be a new you

John Lark is a Fat Loss Specialist combining Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle Tools at The Sphere Fitness Studio, Maynooth. Download his 5 Top Tips for Burning Fat at www.spherefitnessstudio.com