With the evenings getting shorter and the weather getting that 'little' bit more miserable, we decided that it's time to clear up a common misconception many people have about the effect of winter on metabolism. You may have heard people say that metabolic rate slows down during the winter months. This is simply NOT true! Our metabolic system stays the same all year round, it just so happens that people tend to move a little less and sit a little more during the winter. This is what affects our fat burning capacity, not the weather!
Having said that there are ways to boost our metabolism....that work all year round! Include these strategies into your daily routine and you'll be burning fat quicker than before!!
Build Lean Muscle:
One of the most straightforward ways to increase metabolic rate is to increase your lean muscle mass. It is a simple fact, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn at rest! So try to fit some resistance exercises into your routine. You don't have to be a bodybuilder, there are plenty of simple but tough body weight exercises that can be done anywhere, with no equipment!
Eat Early, Eat Often:
Skipping breakfast is a recipe for disaster. People who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight or obese. By skipping breakfast you are going to be more tempted to compensate by eating extra calories over the course of the day. Make sure you have a balanced breakfast, including adequate protein. In addition, eating regular meals and including healthy snacks between meals will further increase metabolic rate. This is because food has a thermogenic effect on the body.We must expend a certain amount of energy in order to digest food. Eating smaller, regular meals will maintain this effect for the day.
Drink Green Tea:
Studies have shown that drinking green tea after a meal boosts metabolism. In fact, drinking green tea has been found to increase the thermogenic effect by 35-43% within a 24 hr period.
Wiggling your feet, finger tapping, pottering, stretching, all those habits that your colleague beside you might find irritating are in fact a great way to expend some extra calories. A study showed that one of the strongest factors differentiating thin people from their overweight counterparts was the amount of 'non exercise activity' they did.
Anxiety and stress cause hormones, namely cortisol and adrenaline to be released into the bloodstream. These hormones can affect appetite, by making us feel more hungry and by interfering with the process by which our brain is told we are full. Consequently, we eat MORE! Furthermore, our nervous system responds to these stress hormones and causes a subsequent rise in blood sugar, increase in the amount of fat stored and also a lowering in metabolic rate. The message....you can't control stressful events from occurring, but you can control how you deal with them. Incorporate some stress busting yoga, meditation, deep breathing or relaxation exercises into your routine to help you clear your mind and face those stressful situations with ease!!