Sep 19, 2011

Is sugar good for us?

When you think “sugar,” you probably think “yum!” Because it’s so sweet, lots of adults and kids like sugar and sugary foods. But what exactly is sugar, and why is it considered as one of the most toxic substances to the human body??

We are all surrounded with sugary food everywhere, it’s in bread, tomato sauce even in baby food…

We have to
distinguish between naturally acquiring sugar and the Refined Drug.

The natural sugar comes from fruit, vegetables and grains. This food is a packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber which help the body to digest the sugar from it.

To digest the refined drug your body actually uses its own vitamins and minerals. It gives you blood sugar cravings, highs, hyperactivity, excitability, nervous and anxious tension which bring you all the way down to unbelievable mood swings, fatigue, exhaustion and might lead to chronic depression.

What else does that “sweet and tasty evil” do to your body?

- Sugar makes us fat, ugly and depressed,

- Gives you headaches,

- Memory loss

- It makes your skin dry and your hair dull.

The list is endless.

Ok, now you’ve decided you don’t want any more sugar in your life. Well, there are many alternative sugar free products, eating these instead – solves the problem. WRONG!

The commercials do a good job convincing us that all that diet coke sugar free and low calorie products so great and absolutely safe. WRONG!

There are three most known sugar substitutes:

1. Aspartame - Artificial Diet Sweetener (sold as "Nutrasweet," "Equal," and "Spoonful") is over 200 times sweeter than sugar, it's a common ingredient found in "diet" foods and has become a sweetening staple for dieters. Besides being totally poison, aspartame actually contributes to weight gain by causing a craving for carbohydrates.

2. Splenda – is another Artificial Sugar substitute. Did you know that the main ingredient is CHLORINE?

According to the study from Duke University, Splenda “suppresses beneficial bacteria and directly affects the expression of the transporter P-gp and cytochrome P-450 isozymes that are known to interfere with the bioavailability of drugs and nutrients

3. Stevia and sorbitol — natural alternatives to artificial sweeteners.

These chemicals known as neurotoxins – they go to our brains and physically change the brain’s chemistry to make us crave more food …

These are natural sweeteners that do not trigger an insulin reaction. (Xylitol can be derived from birch tree pulp.) They have half the calories of sugar and are not digested by the small intestine.

While most polyalcohol sugars have no side effects, sorbitol is a natural laxative and can cause diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and flatulence.Open your eyes to how much you are poisoning your body and your mind when you give in to the sweet tooth craving!